Our Kids!

Cassius Daniel:


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

8 Month Ultrasound

Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Today Ross and I had our last big ultrasound, the 32 week growth scan. Cash looks fantastic. He's 4lbs, 3 oz., all of his major organs are functioning well, and the amniotic fluid level is great. He is also already head down so it looks like he is a bit of an overachiever. I'm not sure when he flipped since according to the midwife at my last regular OB appointment, he was definitely head up.

He wasn't terribly cooperative with the 3D pics. His arms and his one foot was up and covering his face but we got some decent shots. Ross thinks he looks like me and I think vice versa so any opinions would be welcome. Of course he's covering his little chin so I can't see if he has the Walters' cleft or not and I forgot to ask about the status of his hair.