Our Kids!

Cassius Daniel:


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

17 weeks pregnancy update

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

I've been a bit negligent in starting up the pregnancy posts but now that my belly is bumping out a bit it's starting to feel more real.  It is definitely a lot different than the first time.  I don't really obsess over every single change in my body or spend hours researching and reading up on baby products, labor methods, and newborn care.  It's just a lot more relaxed and with a very active toddler around it isn't getting as much of my time and attention.

My first trimester was a little more sickly than last time.  I'm not sure if I really was affected by the nausea more or if with my work at home situation I just had more opportunity to sit and wallow in it.  But around week 13 the nausea and exhaustion abated and I feel just fine now.  I do have a fair amount of round ligament pain in my abdomen from the growing and stretching of the muscles and I still get dizzy and out of breath pretty easily due to my crazy low blood pressure.   All in all though, it seems to be an easy pregnancy like the last time and I really can't complain, especially in comparison with what some of my friends and family have had to go through with theirs.

As for new baby Hoss, everything seems to be great with him.  I say him because as I tell everyone, I'm 99% sure it's another boy due to the fact that I feel similar to how I did with Cash and the Inman genetic history.  The heartbeat always sounds strong at my midwife appointments and all the ultrasounds and the nuchal translucency screening came out normal.  We have the big ultrasound where we find out the sex on August 24th.  Also, I may have started feeling the little guy kicking the other day but I still feel like it's too early to confirm.

Now that we are approaching halfway through (yikes!) we are starting to cross a few to-dos off of our list and beginning to think about some of the things we will need to set up or get in place before "the new one", as I like to call the baby, will be home.  We already got our double stroller - a Jeep Traveler Tandem - because I had enough reward points to get it for free.  We still need to decide on how we will have the baby sleep in our room for the first few months - do we just want to move the crib and old changing table into the room or get a deluxe pack and play and we also need to get a new larger dresser that we can use as a changing table in Cash and the baby's room.  Oh and yes, we are planning on having both of our munchkins share a room eventually which should be...interesting. 

Here's a few more pics of the new one from his 12 week ultrasound.  We can't wait to meet you!