About a month ago, Ross sent me an email saying he was giving me a "push present." For anyone who has never heard of this ridiculous phenomenon, a push present is a present husbands give their wives after labor as a token of their affection for having the biological necessity of birthing their child. Personally, I feel like the idea is a bit condescending - I don't really need a diamond pat on the head to do something that a) I ostensibly have no choice in and b) actively pursued doing in the first place. Plus, my 30th birthday is about 2 weeks after my due date and I had already emailed Ross with the exact purse that I want and didn't really want his funds to deviate away from my dream handbag. However, Ross was convinced (in a very sweet and non-condescending way) that this was something he wanted to do for me and seemed to have a very good idea of what he wanted to do and didn't want to wait until June to give it to me.
So after his email, I received another email entitled "Thanks for the push ;)" and a gift certificate for naps. Yes, you read that right - a gift certificate for me to go and get two 20 minute massages followed by 25 minute powernaps in a zero-gravity YeloChair at Yelo spa in Midtown. According to the website, in the YeloChar my knees will be lifted above my chest to allow my heart rate to slow down and induce a deep state of relaxation.
This sounds absolutely heavenly.
Ross says these are for me to go and do in the summer during maternity leave when I'll be primarily caring for Cash myself (as Ross will be at work) and will probably need a little massage/powernap combo from time to time. I seriously think that this is the best gift from the best husband in the world and an absolutely perfect way to interpret a "push present."
This will be me in my deep state of relaxation:
So cool!!! Sounds awesome and perfect for your entrance into mommyhood! :)
I'll take that now please, in fact, I would have taken that pre-baby. Bonus points to Ross, very original and very sweet :)
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