I had my 30 week OB appointment today and everything is looking great. He is "perfect" according the midwife, who I had my first appointment with today. Village Obstetrics has two midwives as a part of the practice and I could not be happier. She was extremely knowledgeable, calm, and put at ease a couple of anxieties I had started to have about labor. Cash is still head up but that is apparently very normal and he has 4 weeks to get his act together and turn around. But he was moving well, has a great heart rate and as for myself, my glucose and insulin levels that were tested after my last appointment are fantastic, despite my frequent dessert intake.
I'm now starting my bimonthly appointment schedule and I have my 32 week ultrasound next week so more updates to come...
My 2025 birthday wishlist
4 days ago
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