So word came down today that the hospital I was planning on giving birth in, St. Vincent's in Greenwich Village, is closing for all inpatient services effective April 14th. Basically this means that the birth center tour that ironically I went on last night is a completely moot point as I will now be giving birth in a currently undisclosed location.
While I'm confident that my doctors will transfer to a good hospital and that their personal philosphy won't change, I'm anxious to find out where it is and also take the tour of that facility. I'm just hoping that the rest of the hospital is in line with the Village Obstetrics minimally invasive OB philosophy like St. Vincent's was. The tour last night left me with great feelings about how my birth experience would go and now I have no idea where I will be, how far away from the apartment we will have to travel, if the nurses will want to constantly monitor me or allow me to move around, if they have birth balls and other equipment that I had figured was a given, how supportive of rooming-in they are,etc., etc.
This is all a bit much to handle with t-minus two months to go...
My 2025 birthday wishlist
4 days ago
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