In probably the least shocking news of the century, we found out last Friday that Hoss the sequel was another little boy. I feel like I've basically known all along and while a few people had said along the way that I couldn't be so sure it was a boy, I was sure. My pregnancy felt exactly the same and also, there's that little fact that all first born Inman sons have only had sons for generations. You can't argue with genetics folks!
After I allowed myself a brief mourning period for hair bows, nail polish, and future dance recitals, I can definitely say that we are ecstatic to bring this new little boy into our family. Plus, if anyone has ever needed a little brother, it is Cash. He needs a little wrestling, mischief-making, curly-haired partner in crime. And this one seems like he will be a solid partner - the ultrasound tech couldn't stop remarking about how active the baby was. He's also already in a breech position just like his brother, so yeah, mischief ;)
We've narrowed down our name pics to two solid choices and are going back and forth between the two right now. Both end in "S" which is how we have decided we want to make our childrens' names go together. The first, Travis, has the pros that it isn't at the top of the current name lists and can honor a hero of the Alamo (that's a Ross "pro" by the way...) and the cons that I think it sounds a bit 80's and it seems like we're trying too hard to start the newest country sensation, Cash and Travis.
The second, Lucas, is also Latin like Cassius and can be shortened to Luke. On the other hand, it's gaining fast in popularity and Ross can't stop singing "Lucas with the Lid Off" whenever we mention it and that may prove to be really annoying. No matter what, the middle name is Devon.
We should make up our minds soon because we want to start calling baby brother by his name to Cash so that he can start bonding a bit with the baby. Currently he is starting to undertand a bit more that the baby is in my belly and not in my wrist and seemed excited about the crib across from his bed being where baby brother will sleep...until he started saying "My crib, MY CRIB!" at which point I just dropped the subject.
So we can't wait to meet you Travis/Lucas! January can't come fast enough.
My 2025 birthday wishlist
4 days ago
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