Well, we are about 3 weeks away from move up time at daycare. Cash will be moving from the Toddler class up to the Young Preschooler level on August 27th. The teachers that Cash has had at the Toddler level are so wonderful that I'm a little sad this is happening but he is getting bigger and it's time for him to learn more and experience new things.
His teachers gave me his year-end assessment today about the skills that Cash has learned this past year. He was marked as "complete" for every fine motor skill, every emotional and social skill and every language skill. The only "working on task" that was marked was balancing on one foot for 5 seconds under gross motor skills, but really, some adults can't do that so I think we are fine. At the bottom his teachers wrote:
"Cash has a great love of books. I bet we have read Brown Bear 100 times. He does a great job answering yes and no questions. He is into puzzles too. Cash does a great job helping cleanup. I look forward to seeing him grow and develop in his new class."
Enough to warm a mother's heart - especially one that loves books as much as I do. And also, the working mother in me was happy that none of these comments were surprises - I knew that he loves books and puzzles, is great at cleaning up (when he's in the mood) and saying yes and no.
We can't say enough how happy we are with the daycare that Cash goes to every day. He has so much fun and loves playing with the other kids and his teachers and he learns so much. We can't wait to see what he learns next year as a Young Preschooler.
My 2025 birthday wishlist
4 days ago
I love to hear other working moms love the daycare their kids are in. My wee one has been so happy where he is. It makes me feel a lot less guilty.
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