It's been awhile - summer and early fall have been fun and hectic in the Inman household. Here's some of the things we've been doing:
Austin has grown and grown and grown. He's actually almost 9 months old at this point so I need to take two more sticker photos. He's doing really well at moving around - he was crawling by 6 months, standing at 7 months and cruising by 8 months old. He's already trying to stand on his own and we expect him to be an early walker. He recently started babbling some sounds - mostly "blah, blah, gah, gah" and he still only has his two bottom teeth. He's eating well, given that there are only a small number of foods that don't seem to give him an allergic reaction, and is about 16.5 lbs. Still a small guy, but we think that's mostly because he never wants to sit still. He's sleeping well in his crib and can sometimes give us a 6-6 stretch though he still will wake up most nights between 3 and 4 because he's hungry. His smiles are infectious and he is already so loved at his new day care. Cash is still pretty cool with Baby Austin, who he now likes to call "Baby Monster" and play the game of running away from him but it seems to make Austin laugh so we go with it. Anything to hear this guy laugh!
Cash has been doing pretty well and is being a typical three year old for the most part. This summer was birthday party season so we spent many a weekend going to parks, play spaces, and gym centers for parties for his friends. We also had a lot of play dates with our friends Koen and Henry which was fun and lots of beach trips. Cash is a true beach boy and loves to play in the sand and the waves. In July, Cash had his adenoids and tonsils out after a year of constant nasal infections. He then stayed home for a week to recuperate and ate through about two boxes of popsicles but is doing well and has had limited colds since the surgery. I would also classify this summer as the start of his obsession with dinosaurs - basically we eat, sleep, breathe dinosaurs right now. All Cash ever wants to do is watch dinosaur movies, play with his dinosaur figures, and read dinosaur books and put together dinosaur puzzles before bed. He wears dinosaur shirts, "eats like a dinosaur" and, fittingly, will be a T Rex for Halloween this year. He really seems to love learning about them and already has a pretty deep knowledge of their names and characteristics. He's hilarious when he talks about them and sings songs. He's doing well at school though is still adjusting to the room change that separated him from a bunch of his friends - he was the lucky one where the cut-off was - and he hasn't been as excited to go every day like he used to. We think its just an adjustment period and he should be back to loving it again soon.
The last big weekend of the summer for us was September 8th when Austin was baptised at our church in Wilmington. Grammy and Papa made the trip from Winston-Salem and it was a lovely day. Austin did really well and promptly fell asleep after the ceremony. We also finally took our first full family portrait. Better late than never...
My 2025 birthday wishlist
4 days ago
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