Well this is a little late...Austin is now 10 weeks old and we're closing in on his 3 month update so I'm getting this in while I can. Austin is still doing great - he's eating and sleeping well and is happy most of the time. At his well check, he weighed in just under 11 lbs (35th percentile), was 23.25 inches (65th percentile) and handled his shots like a champ. He's still wearing mostly 0-3 month clothes but can fit into some 3-6 month stuff and is already in size 2 diapers. His hair is growing back pretty quickly so he almost completely skipped the bald baby stage and has cute dark fuzz on the top of his head. He loves to smile and coo, especially at his big brother, and is a champion snuggler. He's definitely strong and holds his head up a lot when we hold him but isn't really into showing off his skills during tummy time yet. He mostly just lays on the ground and sucks on his hand.
His sleeping at night is great - he usually starts out the night between 7:30 and 8pm with a 6-7 hour stretch, nurses and goes right back down for 3 more hours, all swaddled in the pack and play beside our bed. Napping is still a bit erratic. He sleeps a lot during the day but I haven't really been able to figure out any sort of set nap times and he won't nap in his crib/pack and play yet. My goal for the next month is to work on the pack and play/crib naps since when he goes to day care he will need to nap in a crib.
I go back to work in a week but my mom is coming to stay for a month and take care of Austin since our day care situation is a little less than ideal for the first few months. I'm so grateful that I get to have another month of him near me every day and I know for my last week of maternity leave I plan to spend a lot of time just snuggling with my little man and just breathing him in before everything gets even more crazy again.
My 2025 birthday wishlist
4 days ago
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