We were lucky that I wasn't quite far along enough in this pregnancy to be banned from flying for the Thanksgiving holidays, so off to Texas we went for the annual Thanxmas celebration. We were especially thankful that Charlie, Fiona and Lucy were able to make the trip this year and Cash and Lucy got in some good cousin time and bonded over a mutual love of Cheerios. Wednesday night was the annual Christmas celebration with the Young/Melone family with manicotti, sausage and peppers and then a mass opening of presents that was fun and ridiculous at the same time:
On Thursday we went to Aunt Melinda and Uncle Alan's for Thanksgiving. I think the highlight for Cash wasn't the food (which he ate practically none of) but his cousin Addison's pink jeep that drove around and also which earned him the nickname of "Crash" for his "driving technique" of pushing the gas while looking everywhere but forward.
I didn't get any pictures but one of Cash's favorite things to do was climb up and give his Beep Beep Baba hugs and kisses. He's big on giving a "hug and a kiss" right now and is always up to climb around so it was a win/win for him.
We had a great time and can't wait to bring Austin with us next year!
My 2025 birthday wishlist
4 days ago
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