Cash came home from daycare yesterday with a busted nose. Like caked with blood, swollen on top with a cut busted. Apparently he was playing trucks on top of the playground "stage" and took a tumble off of it flat on his face. He cried a bit and they put some ice on it, but apparently after that, all was well. This is one day after me going to pick him up on the playground and watching him get whacked in the back of the head by a little girl on the swings after he ran directly in front. That mishap flattened him on the ground and caused about 30 seconds of major crying before he begged me to get down and hang off of the monkey bars with his best bud Ethan.
In general, Cash just "plays hard" as Ross and I like to say. I took a picture of his banged up legs since this is pretty much what they always look like nowadays.
He's just starting to become such a rough and tumble, climb up high just to jump and crash down little dude. He'll whine a little if whatever he did stung but then he just gets right back up and does something crazy again. Plus, he's always making a mess, either with all the sand in his shoes from playing or from constantly wiping his face during dinner.
We love our little man so much but if Austin takes after his big brother, I am in for it!
My 2025 birthday wishlist
4 days ago
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