Cash turned two last Tuesday, June 12th. I would say it's hard to believe but in reality, Cash has been like a two year old for some time now. It was more of a date marking than the feeling like he's a big boy now, because he's been a big boy for almost half a year. He's talking up a storm and we can understand probably 60-75% of what he says, he runs and jumps and plays like a big boy, and has finally even started to wear some 2T clothes which he tries to put on and take off himself. We had a party last Saturday to celebrate - just some pizza and cake with a few friends and Ross's parents who were in town for a family reunion. His big present from us was a water and sand table which he found an interesting way to enjoy. He basically lifts up his shirt and rubs the sand on his belly as if he was giving himself a body scrub. To each his own, I guess.
We decided to forgo planning a big kid party this year - a combination of work travel and other complications made me decide that it would be way too stressful to try to pull it off. In actuality, I wasn't even here on Cash's real birthday. I was in Ft. Worth, TX for an Editorial Board meeting. I was sad that I wasn't here and definitely felt some "bad mom" guilt about the whole thing but it was unavoidable and not something where I had the option of saying no and I realized that of all years for it to happen, this was probably the best one. We finished off his birthday week taking in cupcakes to his class at day care for a mini celebration so I felt like I was able to make it up to him.
I'm not sure what Ross and I have done to be blessed with such a sweet, funny and loving little boy but I'm not going to jinx it. Cash is seriously awesome and every day with him is a joy (even when he is tantruming out his terrible two-ness). He is growing up to be smart, capable and kind to others and I think that's just the way he is though hopefully Ross and I are teaching him these values along the way. I can't wait to watch him grow up even more this year as it will be a big year for him for a number of reasons. Because along with the sand table, legos and stickers that he received for his birthday, he also got a fun tshirt that informed him of this:
A new baby brother or sister that is due around the time he turns 2 1/2 in January 2013. Yep, two years old is going to be a wild ride for Cash and it has just gotten started.
YAYYYYY!!!!! I was going to just comment to say Happy 2nd Birthday Cash! And now I get to say Congratulations too!!! So excited for you and your family, Hope! :)
ps. Owen was 2 & 3/4 when his sister arrived, and I think it was a good spacing. But I could just be biased. ;)
oops, mis-typed there - Owen was 2 & 1/4, not almost 3. Either way, I think two+ years is great spacing. :)
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