We spent Christmas in Winston-Salem with my parents. I don't have too many pictures of the actual day since it was all a blur. Cash really isn't at the age where he understands Santa, Christmas, presents, etc. He did seem happy about the new toys and he found the tree and the ornaments on it fascinating for about two seconds. We gave him a tunnel to crawl through, a Muno doll and an Elmo book. His Grammy and Papa got him some of the Duplo Legos. All were big hits. That night we had family over for Christmas dinner and Cash actually ate a fair amount of it so it was a great day.
However our biggest Christmas miracle was the fact that Cash slept until 6am on Christmas morning and then slept until about 6:30am most of the days in the week after! He's been waking up around 5am for the past month and a half so sleeping until 6 was the best Christmas gift ever.
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