Cash turned 8 months old this past Saturday and it was a day for the record books. Not only did he decide to crawl forward for the first time (he has been crawling backwards for awhile now) but this was also the first day that I came into his room after a nap and found him standing up in his crib, holding on to the rails. Luckily, Ross and I had decided to lower his crib the previous weekend and after a little debate, went down 2 levels as opposed to 1...I guess we had some sort of premonition. Cash hasn't crawled forward since Saturday but he loves to be held in standing position and frequently tries to get up himself though he has been most successful in the crib.
As for other 8 month milestones, he now has 2 bottom teeth and I believe a couple more on the way soon with the amount of drool and fuss that has occurred in the past couple of weeks. His hair is pretty thick now and the cowlick has abated for the time-being. He's getting fatter in general and eats really well now - three meals a day along with 4 bottles. He's getting better at thicker foods and we are right on schedule to start table foods in the next couple of months. We are still waking up once per night but it's pretty much for eating purposes, not because he's having sleeping trouble.
He's still the happiest baby around, frequently commented upon by friends, day care teachers, random strangers who see him giggling and babbling everywhere we go. His favorite things are banana baby mum-mums, hearing someone sneeze or blow their nose, being outside and rubbing his feet in the grass, Baby Einstein, Scholastic Touch and Feel books, blocks, watching mommy try to juggle the blocks, and listening to daddy sing silly songs. He also has started to like slapping at daddy's face in the morning and pulling mommy's hair but we are trying to stop those habits before they become ingrained.
My 2025 birthday wishlist
4 days ago
That's it, I'm getting a house with a back yard. Cash is too cute digging those footsies into the soil. Hope you are enjoying Wilmington!
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