Yesterday was my first day back in the office and the official end of the "Stay at Home mom" period of my life. I'm definitely a huge mix of emotions about it. While I know that I'm not really wired to be a full time at home mom, leaving Cash at daycare yesterday morning was excruciating and it felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest. The daycare we picked is nice and I know he will get great care and lots of stimulation and interaction, but there was a small part of me that felt that it was all just so wrong. He's still so tiny and he should be with me. However, life doesn't allow for that right now so off to daycare for 8 hours a day he goes and I'm left staring at his picture on my computer desktop screensaver. I hope it gets easier as the weeks go on...
Oh Hope! I know how you feel!! Don't worry, it does get better. Owen just recently started back at daycare since I took a full-time job until baby girl arrives, and he is LOVING it. It makes the time you have together so much sweeter. Hang in there mama!
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