So yesterday we had a little excitement - not just because it was the due date but for most of the day I thought I was going into labor. I woke up around 5:30am with contractions at between 7-10 minutes apart. I decided to monitor it for a few hours and then Ross came home from work around 10:30am and we called the doctor. Dr. Worth said it was a good sign but that we should enjoy the day and call her back around 4pm with an update. Well, we did enjoy the day - we went out for lunch and watched a movie and my contractions never changed and became increasingly erratic - farther apart, less in intensity. So it all appears to have been a really annoying false alarm. Bummer. I thought maybe this morning I would wake up with the same feelings but that it would actually progress but alas, I woke up this morning feeling completely fine. So baby Cash is not as punctual as his mom.
Hi Hope!
It's Katherine (Kerns) Hofer from WF Dance company. I found your blog while doing a little internet searching. Congratulations to you and your husband on baby Cash! It seems like you guys are all ready for his arrival.
Best of luck, Katherine
Waiting for updates!
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