We've had a great week here in the Inman house (it still feels weird to say we are in a house). Cash got over his hives by the time I returned from my work trip. We're still not sure exactly what the cause was but he seemed to clear up when we tried switching him to soy formula so, milk allergy? We don't know but we'll hopefully find out for sure when we take him to the allergist on Feb. 15th. On Thursday, my company was closed due to snow in NJ but it was sunny and beautiful here so I kept Cash home from day care and we spent the day hanging out and taking a long walk downtown to discover some more about our new city. This weekend, we spent some time with Ross's family - Ross went to his uncle's cabin to do some target shooting and I hung out here at home with Cash and Ross's cousin Mary-Kate. Finally, yesterday we had what I think was our best day yet here in Wilmington. The sun was shining, it was a beautiful 65 degrees out, and we finally went and checked out Wrightsville Beach for an early dinner and afternoon stroll. The beach makes me feel so happy and relaxed and Cash seemed fascinated with his first glimpse of the ocean and feel of sand between his toes. We ended the day back at home with Ross doing some yard work (which oddly enough makes him infinitely happy) while Cash and I sat out on a blanket and played with the grass (which seems to make Cash infinitely happy). Here's a video of Cash this weekend - he's been babbling up a storm lately but whenever we get the camera out he clams up. So just enjoy his Superman onsie and his smiles!
My 2025 birthday wishlist
4 days ago